How can 2 words mean soo much? 1 year ago the city I will always call home was changed forever. One of it's most cherished days of the year, a literal holiday in Boston, was desecrated. Boston was dealt a blow that took the lives of three and affected thousands more. While Marathon Monday always brings out the best in people, a chance to cheer on friends and family and even complete strangers who all exhibit strength and courage, last year became the most courageous marathon of them all. Patriots' Day is a chance to remember the first battles of the American Revolutionary War, but now Patriots' Day will forever take on a much more immediate feel. Our freedom was tested again. Our will to move forward challenged. But a city rose up behind the cry of 2 words...Boston Strong...that we will endure. That we will heal. I am proud of my city. I am amazed by the strength of its people. And come Monday we will run again, because that's what we do every year.
Check out a great piece E:60 did on the survivors:
love this- 'Patriots Day will forever take on a much more immediate feel' Super profound